Sidmouth Coastal Community Hub

Welcome to Sidmouth Coastal Community Hub – bringing a creative approach to people and place.

Our Vision

Our vision is to connect and engage people with the sea and coast in ways that value people and where we live.

SCCH works in a variety of ways in the beautiful coastal location of Sidmouth. We are a coastal hub that brings people together through our creative workshops, art and environment projects and our annual festival Sea Fest.

We aim through art, culture, heritage and environmental projects to promote a sustainable, creative and community approach to valuing the place we call home.

Making a Difference

The way we work echoes what we value – a two way process the wellbeing of people and the wellbeing of where we live.

Through arts and crafts, fishing heritage, identity and place shaping, gardening and community events we promote sustainable and responsible actions.

It’s the relationships we build and the sense of belonging and purpose we nurture along the way that matter.

How We Work

We build new skills and confidence, develop ourselves and others and generate new collaborations with others both within and beyond our community.

We do this to improve where we live with a special emphasis on the eastern end or Port Royal area of Sidmouth. Established ten years ago, we are leading positive change and cultural regeneration through our projects.

We work across all ages though working with children and young people is our priority.